
HAUSFLUR | 43 Minutes to Sunrise

Where to Get


When asked about the motivation for this song, Ryan quoted the following section of an article by Terry Gaspard

“If we have been let down in the past, the prospect of needing someone can be frightening. Opening up to our partner can make us feel vulnerable and exposed, but it is the most important ingredient of a trusting, intimate relationship. According to Dr. Brown, disengagement is the most dangerous factor that erodes trust in a relationship. The only way to avoid this is to risk being vulnerable with your partner by asking for help, standing up for yourself, sharing unpopular opinions, and having faith in yourself and your partner. The ultimate risk is allowing yourself to fall in love, which requires letting go of control and of the fear of being hurt or abandoned.”

The Video



Vocals, Lyrics & Synth Ryan Lucas
Synth & Drums Indy
Mixing & Mastering Indy

Lyrics by Ryan Lucas

Build a wall
then take shelter from within
Let defensive metamorphosis begin
I won’t cover my naked skin
cause I would risk it all again

Learn to crawl
on your rigid abdomen
Shield the truth behind an exoskeleton
I won’t cover my naked skin
cause I would risk it all again

You left yourself exposed before
when all was fair in love and war
but now you are content to run and hide
Weaving tight a chrysalis
your gaze is fixed – oblivious
while I lose consciousness alone outside

I would rather die

So build a wall
then take shelter from within
Let defensive metamorphosis begin
I won’t cover my naked skin
cause I would risk it all again